Sean Williams - Workshop - Fantastic Fiction (Suitable for Years 7-11)

Sean Williams - Workshop - Fantastic Fiction (Suitable for Years 7-11)

Write a synopsis and the opening line of a brand new story 'created' by the roll of a dice. Suitable for Years 7-11.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Allison (A.L.) Tait - Workshop -  Unlocking the Story Code  (Suitable for Years 5-8)

Allison (A.L.) Tait - Workshop - Unlocking the Story Code (Suitable for Years 5-8)

Using the framework of the Ateban Cipher novels and the 10 Keys To A Great Story, this workshop looks at character, setting, plot, language choices, editing, and more.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Andrew Joyner- Workshop - How To Draw Characters Years 5-8

Andrew Joyner- Workshop - How To Draw Characters Years 5-8

With a few strokes, you can make anything you like into a character, even a rock or a tree. But how do you give that character a personality? Andrew will take you through the tips and techniques he uses when creating his own characters.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Charlotte Barkla - Workshop -  Start your story Years 2-6

Charlotte Barkla - Workshop - Start your story Years 2-6

Learn how to plot a story, from generating story ideas and developing believable characters, to creating conflict, working with tension, and building satisfying resolutions.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Jacqueline Harvey - Workshop - Writing Mystery and Adventure Years 3-8

Jacqueline Harvey - Workshop - Writing Mystery and Adventure Years 3-8

Jacqueline Harvey is renowned for her mystery and adventure stories. But how do you write a successful mystery – something readers will believe and that makes sense.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Jordy Van den Nieuwendijk  -  Workshop - 3D Portraits Years 7-11

Jordy Van den Nieuwendijk - Workshop - 3D Portraits Years 7-11

Explore the art of paper sculpture in this workshop designed for students. Using basic materials like paper, masking tape, and black acrylic paint, participants will explore crafting 3D sculptures.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Tsunami Hee Ja - Workshop -  Manga style character creation (Suitable for Years 5-11)

Tsunami Hee Ja - Workshop - Manga style character creation (Suitable for Years 5-11)

Learn to draw your own unique characters in this hugely popular style. A fully guided art workshop for students, teachers and parents. Even those who are convinced they “can’t draw” will impress themselves!

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Zinia King - Workshop -  Australian Flora and Fauna (Suitable for Years 5-11)

Zinia King - Workshop - Australian Flora and Fauna (Suitable for Years 5-11)

Learn to paint Australian flora and fauna inspired by Zinia’s unique ‘pen/pattern’ drawing technique with loose watercolour washes.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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