Sean Williams - Workshop - Fantastic Fiction (Suitable for Years 5-8)

Sean Williams - Workshop - Fantastic Fiction (Suitable for Years 5-8)

Write a synopsis and the opening line of a brand new story 'created' by the roll of a dice. Suitable for Years 5-7.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Tsunami Hee Ja - Workshop -  Animal Character Creation ( Years 3-7)

Tsunami Hee Ja - Workshop - Animal Character Creation ( Years 3-7)

Learn to draw your own animal characters. Tap into your creativity with easy-to-follow demonstrations as Tsunami teaches you to draw faces, capture feelings and offers her best tips for making your original characters unique.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Jordy Van den Nieuwendijk - Workshop  -  Mega Drawing Years 7-11

Jordy Van den Nieuwendijk - Workshop - Mega Drawing Years 7-11

An exciting workshop where students will collaborate on Mega-Drawings! Unleash your imaginations on huge rolls of paper using charcoal. We will all draw simultaneously on big artworks, where team-work will lead to surprising results.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Allayne Webster - Workshop - Writing with Heart - Suitable for Years 5-8

Allayne Webster - Workshop - Writing with Heart - Suitable for Years 5-8

Writing with the Heart: Join Allayne to learn tips and tricks on how to make your characters likeable, relatable, and three dimensional. Learn how to pull the reader's heartstrings and make them love your story.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Andrew Joyner- Workshop - How To Draw Characters Years 5-8

Andrew Joyner- Workshop - How To Draw Characters Years 5-8

With a few strokes, you can make anything you like into a character, even a rock or a tree. But how do you give that character a personality? Andrew will take you through the tips and techniques he uses when creating his own characters.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Belinda Murrell - Workshop -  Write, Write, Write – Creative Writing Workshop Years 3-6

Belinda Murrell - Workshop - Write, Write, Write – Creative Writing Workshop Years 3-6

Unleash your imagination in this workshop with award-winning children’s author Belinda Murrell. Create your own adventurous plots, vivid settings, and characters who leap off the page. Enjoy lively writing activities & brainstorming games

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Candice Fox -Workshop - The Mechanics of Crime Years 9-12

Candice Fox -Workshop - The Mechanics of Crime Years 9-12

Join Candice in this workshop as she takes students through the mechanics of crime during which she will provide tips about developing characters and how to write crime fiction. * Mature content *

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Charlotte Barkla - Workshop -  Start your story Years 2-6

Charlotte Barkla - Workshop - Start your story Years 2-6

Learn how to plot a story, from generating story ideas and developing believable characters, to creating conflict, working with tension, and building satisfying resolutions.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Claire Richards  -  Workshop - Hands, horses and the hardest things to draw Years 5-8

Claire Richards - Workshop - Hands, horses and the hardest things to draw Years 5-8

Every time Claire is given a new manuscript to draw there is something or someone that she doesn’t know how to draw. This workshop will include practice using shape blocking to draw, including the weird shaped Australian animals.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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George Ivanoff - Workshop - Choose Your Own Stories Years 3-6

George Ivanoff - Workshop - Choose Your Own Stories Years 3-6

This session is all about writing interactive fiction. George will take participants through his process for writing the You Choose series with a whiteboard exercise in structure.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Kate Isobel Scott - Workshop - Exploring worlds Years 4-6

Kate Isobel Scott - Workshop - Exploring worlds Years 4-6

Kate will help students ‘warm up’ by playing some illustration games to get the creative energy flowing. These group activities are playful, fun and accessible with no drawing talent or skills required to participate.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Megan Daley - Workshop - What’s the Buzz about Bees? Years R-2

Megan Daley - Workshop - What’s the Buzz about Bees? Years R-2

Join author, educator and beekeeper Megan Daley for a nature-based book adventure with a particular focus on those most fabulous of pollinators – bees! Megan will share her picture book, ‘The Beehive’ and bee artefacts.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Wai Chim -Workshop - Stop motion Storytelling with Wai Chim Years 5-8

Wai Chim -Workshop - Stop motion Storytelling with Wai Chim Years 5-8

When novelist Wai Chim is not writing fiction, she is making stop motion short films about her favourite character, Bogs the penguin. Learn to create your own stop motion stories with her in this fun hands-on workshop.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Zinia King - Workshop - Create Bizarre Birds with Watercolours Years 4-7

Zinia King - Workshop - Create Bizarre Birds with Watercolours Years 4-7

Learn basic watercolour techniques with Zinia & become absorbed in the interesting ways in which watercolours ‘bleed’ on the paper. Let the watercolour guide you as you create bizarre birds.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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James Foley - Workshop - Top Secret Classified Comic Strips Years 3-6

James Foley - Workshop - Top Secret Classified Comic Strips Years 3-6

Join James for hands-on writing and drawing workshops making comic strip stories. Your subject – secret agents! James will show you how to draw Max Mole and other characters from his new graphic novel series Secret Agent Mole.

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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Mike Lucas - Workshop - Everything you don't need to know about poetry (Suitable for Years 5-8)

Mike Lucas - Workshop - Everything you don't need to know about poetry (Suitable for Years 5-8)

There are no rules to poetry, and no limits to what you can create. From meter and metaphor to alliteration and onomatopoeia, Mike will guide you through the tools & processes available to write a poem. But what do you really need to know?

  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
From AUD $15.00
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