Allayne Webster - Workshop - Writing with Heart - Suitable for Years 5-8

Allayne Webster - Workshop - Writing with Heart - Suitable for Years 5-8
De la AUD 15,00 A$
  • Durata: 60 Minute (aprox.)
  • Locatie: Immanuel College, Novar Gardens, SA
  • Cod produs: PKQWJD

Writing with Heart: In order for a reader to stay invested in a story, to remain hooked and to keep reading, they must care about the characters and what's happening to them. If the reader doesn't care, you've lost them. How do writers achieve that? We inject heart into our writing. Join Allayne to learn tips and tricks on how to make your characters likeable, relatable, and three dimensional. Learn how to pull the reader's heartstrings and make them love your story.  


Suitable for Years 5-8