Megan Daley and Allison Tait - Talk - Reaching Reluctant Readers - Primary Teachers, Library Professionals & Parents

Megan Daley and Allison Tait - Talk - Reaching Reluctant Readers - Primary Teachers, Library Professionals & Parents
От AUD 15,00 A$
  • Продолжительность: 45 мин. (прибл.)
  • Место встречи: Adelaide, South Australia
  • Код предложения: P400V6

Reaching Reluctant Readers

Primary Teachers, Library professionals & Parents

Your Kid’s Next Read admins and authors Megan Daley and Allison Tait will explore ‘who is ’the reluctant reader’ and particularly focusing on supporting reluctant readers through practical strategies based on evidence based research. They will address where “reading for pleasure” fits into the school curriculum and the vital role school libraries, authors and parents and carers can play in encouraging reading. Attendees will gain insights on how to support readers and writers, address challenges faced by parents and educators in engaging their children in reading and writing.