Megan Daley - Workshop - What’s the Buzz about Bees? Years 3-6

Megan Daley - Workshop - What’s the Buzz about Bees? Years 3-6
從 AUD AU$15.00
  • 天數: 60 分鐘 (左右)
  • 位置: Immanuel College, Novar Gardens, SA
  • 产品编号: PX4S0G

Join author, educator and beekeeper Megan Daley for a writing workshop exploring the wonderful world of native bees. Megan will share her picture book, ‘The Beehive’ and discuss the process of writing a narrative non-fiction text with a particular focus on the importance of research and editing. Students will gather buzz-worthy facts using text and hands-on artefacts, to serve as inspiration for their own non-fiction writing piece.